Maintenance Building Mechanic at the in Belgium


The U.S. Embassy in Brussels is looking for a Maintenance Building Mechanic to join the Facility Management section to work from its warehouse located in Zaventem.

The job holder will repair and maintain a variety of building infrastructure systems as needed, such as plumbing system and fixtures, general welding and masonry work, potable water treatment and storage, fire sprinkler, swimming pool and landscape irrigation.

Jouw profiel

EDUCATION: Secondary school diploma and vocational training.

EXPERIENCE: ⚠ years of experience in the repair and maintenance of building infrastructure, construction and mechanical systems and utility treatment operations.

LANGUAGE: Good working knowledge Dutch or French. Limited English.


  • De werking van het materiaal, de instrumentengegevens (druk, debiet, temperatuur, ...) en de kritieke punten (slijtage, smering, ...) controleren
  • De opvolggegevens van interventies registreren en de informatie doorgeven aan de betrokken dienst
  • De conformiteit van de werking van de installaties verzekeren (standaardinstellingen, veiligheid, milieu, ...)
  • Defecte mechanische stukken en onderdelen vervangen of herstellen, testen en afregelen (tandwieldrijfwerk, lagers, kettingwielen, ...)
  • Het preventieve onderhoud van de mechanische uitrustingen uitvoeren (schoonmaken, smeren, bijstellen, aandraaien, ...)
  • Preventieve of correctieve onderhoudsinterventies bepalen volgens de aard van de werkzaamheden (inwerkingstelling, productiewijziging, ...) of de onderhoudshistoriek


Contract as employé/bediende.

Dynamic and multi-cultural work environment.

Full-time position with extra-legal benefits: life insurance, hospitalization insurance (family included), meal tickets, transportation reimbursements, seniority leave, special holidays, training, etc.

Salary as of €⚠.⚠ gross/month.


Mr John King
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